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The Jordanian Investors Association (JIA) organized a meeting with a group of representatives of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Labor at its headquarters located in King Abdullah II Industrial City (Sahab) to discuss the issue of transportation to industrial areas in the southeastern Amman region, as it is one of the prominent challenges that affect many topics of industrial growth, attracting talent, and more.

The association’s team presented the results of conducted survey done by the association of nearly 90 factories in the industrial zone. The results of the survey showed many topics, most notably finding transportation solutions, the number of workers in factories, and the mechanism of their transportation to the governorates and Amman.

This study came as one of the association's initiatives to help industrialists and investors in providing an attractive and comfortable zone for investment and to work to provide all means that facilitate the process of accessing competencies and developing the services provided within the industrial zone.

After reviewing the study and proposing several solutions, the association, in cooperation with representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Transport, developed an action plan for the next stage, which aims to expand the scope of the survey and work to collect the necessary information to develop appropriate transportation networks that serve industrial facilities and their employees.

This step comes as one of the pioneering steps aimed at raising the efficiency and professionalism of industrial cities. The Executive Director of the Association, Mrs. Haneen Hassouna, explained that the Association is always ready to harness its capabilities to find the necessary solutions to achieve the desired industrial growth and that the work team is ready to begin the second phase of the survey as soon as possible.


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