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The Jordanian Investors Association (JIA), in cooperation with the Jordan Academia Industry Platform (JAIP), organized a workshop entitled “Your First Step to Growth and Expansion in Business,” which included many topics related to ways to enhance business growth in industry sector, and uprgrade professionality levels.

The workshop was opened and organized by Mr. Saed Al-Jitan, Vice President of the Association, and Mr. Moataz Al-Ali, Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Association. At the opening of the workshop, Al-Jitan referred to the background of each speaker and the importance of the workshop in developing business and benefiting from grants offered by various local and international organizations.

The workshop began its first session by defining the market analysis, understanding customer needs, the product life cycle, and how to develop it, which was presented by Dr. Khaled Khreisat, the founder and executive director of the platform. He discussed detailed and expanded information about these topics with the attendees and highlighted the most important steps and advice necessary to achieve success and expansion in industrial business.

For his part, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Hussein, International Relations and Grants Consultant, presented many grants currently offered to companies operating in the private sector in Jordan, the most prominent of which are grants from USAID, JEDCO, and JICA, and talked more about how to apply for these grants and the conditions and requirements related to them.

This workshop is one of a series of activities and events through which the association aims to encourage industrialists to grow, obtain broader networking opportunities with international organizations and companies, and access new markets and continuous development.


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