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A workshop on the programs of the Industrial Support Fund

2024-05-21 The Jordanian Investors Association hosted, at its headquarters in King Abdullah II Industrial City - Sahab, a work team from the Program Management Unit of the Industrial Support and Development Fund of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply to provide an introductory workshop on the requirements and conditions for eligibility to apply and benefit from the “Output-Based Incentives” and “Incentives Based on Output” programs. Export Credit Guarantee" with the participation of the Jordanian Loan Guarantee Company. The workshop was opened by Mr. Saed AlJitan, Vice President of JIA, to talk more about the importance of cooperation with all government agencies and ministries that would help industrialists develop their business system and carry out their tasks better and with higher levels of efficiency. The concerned team then provided comprehensive information about the requirements of the second round of the Export Credit Guarantee Program, and the requirements of the second round of the Output-Based Incentives Program, and then  answered the inquiries it received to enhance the delivery of the information fully and completely. This meeting comes within the ongoing efforts of the Jordanian Investors Association to serve industrial members, provide them with the best services, network them with all institutions and entities concerned with empowering them, and provide them with the opportunity to benefit from the support allocated to them.

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